Tuesday, May 15, 2007

That's all follks

I should have paid more attention to Pete Van Dyk's end of the year ramblings about graduation and the depressing implications thereof.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Quickly I am in Need of Assistance

Due to idiotic scheduling and a complete lack of anything resembling a work ethic i have to write a ten page paper tomorrow. Now that I have painted myself into this corner I have decided that I no longer am responsible for finishing, or even starting the paper. Therefore one of you, will have to write it for me.

In other news, the Fish House is not kind to A Thousand Plateaus. Good thing we only have to play for 15 minutes tonight.

In other news, I still don't have a job...stop asking.

In other news, Breathe Owl Breathe + Jose Gonzalez (minus accents for previously stated reasons) = continuing the tradition of having over the top amazing performances in the Ladies Lit. I can't wait until Christ Rock McGee and the Jesus Punks ruin it for everyone next year.

In other news, check out the June issue of the Revue magazine when it comes out.

In other news, I think I'm going to change around my background.

Thought for the Day: rock (selling out) v. hard place (the impossible goal of doing what I love)